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The Man of The New Time, part 1

Now I will read Chapter 20 of John's Gospel.

No matter what is said to people, they have always had external beliefs about Life. We can see that even after Christ's resurrection people looked for His body in the grave. Moreover, according to the traditions at that time the body of the dead had to be smeared with some oil. The Jews, as a nation are extreme materialists, they wanted to see the body of Christ, to be sure that he was really dead and his body was buried. Contemporary people are not less materialistic than the Jews – when one of their fellow-men leaves this world, they do not cry for the actual person, but they cry for his body – that they cannot see him anymore, they cannot talk to him anymore. Translated into simpler words this means that we cry more for our clothes than for our body.

I say, when solving certain issues a man must always have in mind two important things. First, a man cannot solve the problem about Life with his heart; second, a man cannot solve this problem with his mind either – why? Because with his heart a man always becomes attached to visible things – he does not believe in what he does not see. With his mind, a man is always attached to the form of things. In this respect, there is always a kind of competition between the heart and the mind. The word ‘form’ has the implication of something established, having definite borders and frames. We can often hear people judging someone, expressing opinions about the moral, the characters, and so on; on what basis does this happen? It happens on the grounds of certain norms and rules, for which people have a definite form. For example, many people consider that a good man is the one who receives people at home in a generous manner, offers them rich meals, talks to them in a pleasant and friendly manner. If the person does not do that, if he does not receive them in that way, this means that he is not a good man.

I am asking, what is the morality of the good man? Imagine that a person joins a society of good people; one day these people start on a trip and he wants to go with them. However, it turns out that one of the man's legs is broken and he cannot walk in the mountain. What should these people do? They will climb up the mountain and he will remain at home, because he cannot walk with them. Despite their good desire for him to be together with them, they cannot take him – the conditions for climbing up the mountain determine that only a man with strong legs can climb up and reach the mountain top. In this case, should the people be regarded as bad? Imagine another situation: the man has strong legs, but he has been late a little, he has started about five hundred – one thousand paces behind the big group, so that they are already on their way down the mountain and he is still climbing up. Should this man get angry and name these people bad just because they have not waited for him? Moreover, they did not even suspect that he was walking behind in order to wait for him. What will he gain if he climbs up the mountain together with them? Now, imagine that the man is invited to a wealthy feast, but his stomach is upset; he goes to the event but he cannot eat; he just watches – everyone eats cheerfully, in good spirits, and he cannot taste even a bite. Who is to be blamed for that? People have invited him, they have served him food as for everybody else, but he himself abstains from eating. How does he benefit from the feast and the invitation of these good people? There is something else that can happen: the man is invited to a feast, his stomach is well, but he arrives five minutes later than the other people – all the guests are already eating. He also takes a seat and starts eating. His stomach is healthy – he falls a little behind the others but he finds the food tasty, he is satisfied with the food; he will catch up with the others, he is calm, does not hurry, does not worry. Does he lose anything because he is not together with all the rest? Therefore, the man must understand the sense, the spirit of things.

So, first is the one, who can adopt the Truth and apply it; last is the one who cannot adopt the Truth – if he cannot adopt it, he would not be able to apply it. Someone says, „I was first to have reached such and such a place, I was first to have read the Gospel, I was first to have listened to such and such a speech, and so on.” First is not the one who has done something in time and space, but the one who has applied it – such a man knows if he is the first or not. Should he ask the others if he applies the truth in his life? It is funny if a man who has had a good meal asks other people if he has had a good meal or not – he knows that, he is the master of the situation.

When talking about Good, Goodness, we have to consider the following law: The Good always comes after Love. This means that if a man does not love you, he cannot be good to you; if he loves you, he will surely be good to you. Somebody says, „I am a good man.” If you love, only then can you be good. The fruit cannot come first before the tree, and the tree is the fruit of Love. Therefore, you cannot expect a fruit before Love has come. When Love comes, then the fruit will appear.

I say, many of the contemporary people have shallow conceptions about Life. These conceptions can be compared to one-day-flowers or one-year trees that do not bear fruit. The positive concepts of Life are like flowers or trees, bearing fruit. Of what use is it for you if the flowers or trees in your garden do not give you any fruit? The flowers that give no fruit are called heralds. For example, the snowdrop and the crocus are the first messengers or trumpeters of Love - they are telling people: „Why are you still sleeping, what are you going to do, wake up, Love is coming!" These flowers affect the sense of smell, the eyesight, the hearing of people, in that way urging them to wake up. One day they will ask people, „Do you know why we remained fruitless - because you were sleeping.” If everyone wakes up on time, then the fruitless plants will give fruit. When people are asleep and cannot wake up, this means that they have not believed in God yet. When everyone begins to believe in God, there would be no flower left on Earth that would not give fruit. You say, „Why are there so many flowers and trees that wither each year?" Because many people commit sins. Why do so many springs dry up? Because many people die - when a human dies, at the same time there is a spring that dries up; when a human comes back to live, the spring would run again. Why do some lakes dry up? Because many people do not live according to God's rules. Why do some mountains crumble to ruins? Because the credo of many people is in ruins - they do not have a positive credo.

Now I will give the following example to explain people's lack of faith: imagine a schoolboy who has complete confidence in his teacher - whatever his teacher tells him, he does it and obeys. Some time later, the schoolboy meets another teacher, who seems to him more erudite, more intelligent and he gets closer to him, recognising his authority. However, the consciousness of this boy is divided. People are in the same situation with respect to God. Why don’t people believe in God? Because they believe in the world. Many people believe in the learning of human beings, in their inventions and considering this they forget the real authority in Life. What philosophy is this? When the black adherent arrived in Heaven at the tree where Eve was sitting, he said, „If you eat the fruit of that tree you will become gods like God and will do everything that He does. Why do you have to listen to God for everything like children - without Him you can also follow the right way." Eve listened to the adherent, but for that reason, she tasted the consequences of her disobedience to God.

So, contemporary people do not believe in God, because they themselves are gods. Therefore, if someone says that he does not believe in God, this means that he is God for himself. And if you watch how this person lives and acts, you will see that he aims to show himself especially to other people. However, twenty - thirty years later you see that this "god" is carried in a special car, in front of which a priest is walking with a censer in hand, performing a funeral service for him. Then he is buried in the ground and a stone is put on his grave, saying: „Here rests such and such a man, with special merits to society, to his fatherland." You meet someone else - he considers himself a divinity, but in two - three days, you see him with tears in his eyes - why is he crying? Some people have hurt his feelings, by saying bad words to him. I am asking isn't this situation funny, should divinities cry?

Therefore, today everyone cries - why? Because when they become gods there is no one to believe in them - only they believe in themselves, this is one of the explanations for the crying. When people do not believe in God, He leaves them to feel the consequences of their lack of belief. Somebody says, „Then what do we have to do?” Everyone must ask himself the question: „If I fancy that I am a god, where are the Heaven and the Earth that I have created, where are the luminaries, where are the plants and animals? If I am really a god, I must have done something outside and inside me, which would maintain my divine nature. If I cannot see deeds, created by me, on what grounds do I require people to believe me?” Someone comes to me and asks me: „Do you know who I am?” I know, you are a human who has created nothing yet. If you have created nothing, you'd better say nothing; if you have created something, say what you have created. Someone has written a book or a poem and boasts that he has created something. I say, since this man lives on Earth and has seen many things, now he describes them with his pen, as the artist does with his brush, but these are not yet deeds, created by him. Many times, he has seen the Sun rising and setting, the Moon and the stars coming up and going down, and now he describes them. A man should have a clear vision about things, to know what original creation is, and what a copy is.

Contemporary people often ask themselves what do they have to believe in. I say: believe in what grows up; believe in what gives fruit, believe in what springs out, believe in what slakes the thirst; believe in what gives Light and directs people; believe in what brings Knowledge; believe in what Life gives to all creatures. And finally, believe that there is only one God in the world! If you believe that there are many gods in the world, your consciousness will be divided.

Many people confuse their notions when interpreting the three faces of God and say: „Who is God, who is Jesus and who is the Holy Spirit?” God is one. If you know Him, He is the one; if you do not know Him, there are many gods. If you know Him, no one is better than Him. You say, „Then why do people suffer?” Because they do not know God. Why they are happy? Because they know God. Somebody says that he does not know God and that he is happy - it is his Joy that means knowing God. When is the man delighted with the pear? When he sees, smells, and tastes it - only in that way can he know the pear. And then someone will come to advise him not to touch the pear, not to eat it, because he will cause great sufferings to it. According to this philosophy, when is the man delighted with the candle - when it is burning or when it is not? Of course, when it is burning. And the candle enjoys burning, because then it shows its life - the candle is thankful when you light her up and says: „Although I will live just for a day, I want to see my life and enjoy it.” The life of the candle is worth thousands of days. Unless the candle is lit, it is a dead, embalmed candle - in this state it can stay for a year but will remain dead. A one-day life, but wisely used is worth more than the life of the whole eternity, which is unreasonably used.

So, the man cries because there is no one to believe him. He suffers, mourns, because there is no one to believe him. Every human is alone in the world. If someone comes to me to complain that he is alone in the world, I will tell him: „I know One, who like you, is alone. Come with me to take you to Him.” Who is he? He is the creator of Heaven and Earth. When he sees you, He will believe in you and will say, „There is a man that will get somewhere. Since you want to become a divinity, I will come into you and will reveal myself by enjoying everything that you do - I will work inside, and you will work outside.” This is the idea that Christ has said in the verse: „The words that I am telling you are not Mine. I speak what the Father has taught me.” Therefore the man thinks, feels, and acts, but he has to realize that inside him it is God who works - this is the real situation.” If a man thinks that he does everything alone, he is already on the wrong way. When you say I, you, he, we, you, they, you have to realize that God always shows in these people. Someone did something and fancied that he was the author of this deed, but ostensibly, for showing external piety, he says, „God did this.” No, man must be honest inside, must realize that God works inside him and he shows himself only externally.

Now I am talking about that state of the people that hinders their correct development. Often they fall into the following situation: for instance, a man has regular meals, eats three or four times a day and you see him lively, merry, and happy with his situation. If he does not eat regularly some days, he becomes sour, dissatisfied, and his mood changes. This happens not only with the ordinary man, but even with the saint - keep a saint hungry for ten or fifteen days and you will see how discontented he will become, he will walk back and forth, he will be angry with the people around because they keep him hungry. Every person has to eat, and the saint has to eat, too. Many people say that we should not eat much; it's true, we should not eat much, but we should not eat little, either. Eating is a process through which the human perceives the Great life. Therefore, Christ says: „The one who eats My flesh and drinks My blood will have Life inside him.” Therefore, whatever is the bread for humans is also the faith - the bread and the faith are the food for maintaining Life. Bread gives Life and maintains Life, so we have to be in constant relation with it. To perceive the bread, i.e. God's speech inside us, means to be free, independent. If we perceive the Speech only from outside, we are dependent. Of course, there must be someone who must come from outside to teach us, but it is our duty to recognize this Speech and within us to remake it, to turn it into flesh and blood. The baker has to make the bread, the farmer has to sow the wheat, the gardener has to grow the fruit trees. In the future, the bread, the fruit, all food will be in the very person - it is enough to think about the pear and it will immediately appear in front of him. If he is in the mountain, it is enough just to think about a spring and it will gush in front of him. This will happen only for those who believe in the Only God; those who believe in many gods will go to plough and dig.

So, people suffer because they believe in many gods. While they believe in many gods, they will be born and will die, will get married and divorced, and so on. In this situation, people will lose faith in each other, they will also lose faith in themselves. While a father is rich and maintains his children, they will believe in him; when the father becomes impoverished, the children will lose their confidence in him - they say, „We do not need such a father!” The same thing happens with the father: while he believes that his children will look after him when he gets old, he believes them, if his hopes do not come true, he also will lose faith in them. The attitude of contemporary people to God is exactly the same as the attitude of the children to the fathers. Nowadays, people move around the wide world, created by God, enjoy the Sun, the Moon, the stars, all the plants and animals, but they do not know who has created all that. Contemporary humans do not know their Father and do not believe in Him. While they do not believe in God, they say that this belongs to John, to Peter, etc. However, if they turn to Him, they already understand that everything in the world belongs to God. When they come to that way of thinking, they become Sons of God and heirs of His entire wealth.

Some people would say, „Why did we come to that mountain to be like savages?” No, you have come here to look at the domain of your Father. You have been living for so many years and you do not know what riches your Father has. For instance, the other day we climbed up Elenin peak. Some of the people hesitated whether to come with us or not; one of the older sisters could not make up her mind to come, but finally said, „I am already so old and if I do not go now, one day I will regret that I have not seen the beauty of Nature.” However, on our way back, tired from the hard way, she said, „I would not take such a long trip through rocky peaks and stones.” The good point of every climb up and down is that this happens also in the consciousness of a man. The sister I told you about, after having rested for an hour or two, said, „Now I am already ready for a new trip, I'm feeling lively, fresh and completely satisfied." If during the fourteen-hour trip we saw such splendid views, what would it be like if we travel over the domain of our Father for a whole year? Because we have come to this world to see what God has created, to get into contact with Him, to take part in His work - this means to think, to feel, and to work like God. It is said: „We are strangers, newcomers in this world.” I am saying: the man is a stranger, but he is a stranger in his delusions, because he thinks that he can do many things, and in fact, he has nothing real in front of him. The man is a stranger, because he believes in things that people do, but people's deeds are as trustworthy as they themselves are. A man goes up in a car and believes that it will take him to the determined location; however, on the way, a wheel breaks and he gets out of the car and continues walking.

So, real is only what belongs to the Only, the live God. In this sense, Love is the first manifestation of God - where the Love is, where the Good is, shows itself there. Love and Good are the real things in the world, therefore, God says: „Try Me and see that I Am good-hearted.”

A man is passing by the garden of a brother, which was well fenced, and he sees inside good, ripe pears, hanging on the trees. He jumped over the fence into the garden and picked a pear or two. The master of the garden saw that, quickly grasped the man by the arm, and asked:

- Who has given you the right to pick fruits from the trees in my garden?

- The one who made the garden, and who created the fruits; He gave me the right to pick some of these fruits.

- Who is that one, who gave you that right?

- God.

- Really? There is no God here!

- Then, pardon me, what do your pears cost?

- They cost twenty leva.

- I will give you forty leva to be entirely free.

- Thank you, you are a gentle man.

- Yes, you have to be thankful that I came here to taste your fruit and in this way, we were acquainted.

I am asking which of the two moralities is better. Nowadays, if you give someone something, he considers it as a bad deed; if you do not give him anything - again it is bad; what is it right to do then, which is the real morality? The real morality lies in what the man does to be inspired by Love and Good. Everything in which there is no Love, everything where the Good is missing, is a crime, everything that contains a lie is a crime.

You say, „How can you distinguish who is telling the truth and who is lying?” Imagine that you go to a person, who gives you a glass of pure, fresh water and tells you to drink from the glass, to taste it. You drink the water and say, „This person is telling the truth.” Why? - „Because the water he recommended as good really turned out to be good.” If you drink from the water and you find out that it is impure and stagnant, then the man is not telling the truth, he has lied to you. Therefore, where there is no Love, there is a crime, a lie, and evil. In this case, a man will always feel sorrow. He can grieve when other people do not have Love, or when he himself does not have Love. If he grieves when people do not have Love, he must give them from his love. If he grieves about himself, that he does not have love, he must go to God and ask for His Love. I am asking, should he cry in these situations? There is someone, sitting in his room and crying because he is thirsty; I am saying, why do you have to cry, go to the mountain, there you will find good springs and you will drink as much water as you want. - „There is no one to go with.” No, there is - first tell your head that you want to go to the mountain and wait a little. The head will order your arms and legs to go with you and they will listen to it; when all of them are ready, you will start. - „I will be alone there.” Never mind, go alone. - „And if the spring is too far?” The further the spring, is, the purer and fresher its water is. The closer things are not as good as the distant things - the things that are near can be easily achieved.

Now, this is a set of rules that you must use as a basis in your life if you wish to get rid of the false gods, of the wrong beliefs. For instance, a man considers himself to be clever, very good, strong, and that he can do many things. For every person, there must be a little programme that he by all means must follow. For example, today, on Sunday, everyone must do something that corresponds to the plan for that day. Someone can do something that corresponds exactly to that day, while someone else may think about things that have nothing in common with his life. This person can dream to get on an aeroplane or on a Zeppelin, and go around in the air. I am asking what would he gain if he gets on an aeroplane? In all cases, he will achieve something - he will see how cowardly he is: when he reaches the height of ten kilometres, he will start shouting and begging to come down to earth. When he gets down to earth, he will say, „It is not possible to live at such a height.” However, if a man believes in the Live God and serves Him, he will come to the situation when he can get on an aeroplane or a Zeppelin and fly to the Moon, the Sun and stay there as long as he wants. Moreover, these Zeppelins will be designed so that they will stop at every station you want - for example, it will stop on the Moon, you will talk to its inhabitants, who will show you all the spectacular places. Then they will give you gifts and finally will see you off in festivity. It also will be possible for you to travel to the Sun. When you come back to Earth, you will speak about what you have seen on the Sun, on the Moon and so on.

While listening to me, many people would say like the Turks, „Even if it is so, you should not believe.” I am asking, if a man believes that he is a god, then why shouldn't he believe in my words, too? The new must be already sown - the man must be pure, consecutive in his beliefs and never to hesitate. For example, a man accepts the New doctrine, but soon he begins to hesitate and says, „Isn't it better for me to return to my old beliefs?” A pig was set free in the woods; it spent several months there but when winter came, it got afraid and said, „Why don't I go back to the sty and to my old master, there I got food five times per day.” This is the situation of a man who sticks only to the temporary, to the transitory. If a man depends only on food and thinks about what he would eat and drink, he is in the situation of an animal, of a pig, i.e. his concept of Life is like the concept of the pig.

Talking about the pig, I consider it as a symbol of the shallow thought. The pig does not think in depth - when rooting about, it thinks that everything is in the ground and it must root about to take everything out. God has given a man an intellect and in that way he wants to tell him that he should not root about.

So, a man must give up his habit to rummage. For example, when a man is asking questions about things that he cannot understand, he is rummaging. Someone asks, „Who created the world, how has the world been created?” These questions are not yet appropriate for his mind. Another man asks, „How has the pear been created?” Nowadays everyone can create the pear; how? Take a pear pip, make a finger hole in the ground, and sow the pip - after some time the pear tree will grow and will bear fruit. Then take one of the fruits, eat it, and see what will happen in your mouth - in half an hour a whole pear tree will grow and shut your mouth. - „I don't want my mouth shut.” If you don’t, then don't ask who created the pear. The same happens to the thoughts that you accept from outside - if a thought goes into your mind, it is implanted there and after some time bears fruit. When the tree bears fruit, it changes its place, i.e. the fruit goes to a different place, where it is planted again.

Therefore, the fixed concepts about things are nothing but concepts of dead people. The concepts, the thoughts of people must be the same through all times and ages, but the methods for their application must differ. Somebody says, "When I was young I thought in one way, now as I am older I think differently.” I say, what in one's youth is one thing, and in one's old age is a different thing, is not True. The Truth is the same in one's youth and old age. The Sun is the same when rising and when setting; it is different only in the way it rises and sets.

I say, man must rejuvenate every day. Rejuvenation is an idea that shows that only one God exists in the world, Who reveals in Life through Love, through Wisdom, and through Truth. If a person starts believing in Life, then God will set him free of all limitations. Then he will see that there is sense in everything. God is in everything that is meaningful. Everything that does not make sense – means that God is not there. Wherever God is, there is Good. Wherever God is missing, there is evil. Therefore, the one who follows the right way is on the way of the Good. The one, who follows the wrong way, is on the way of evil. The moment that God reveals, a man is good; the moment that God is not there, a man is bad. When God comes into a man, the latter gets merry, joyful, and ready for any service; if he refuses to serve, God leaves him.

Nowadays, everyone wants to be loved and if there is no one to love him or her, they suffer and complain about being lonely. I am asking what does it mean to be loved by someone. When you love the pear, what do you do with it? You put your teeth on it and taste it. When people love you, in the same way they put their teeth on you. So, when people love each other, they start eating one another as we eat the pears - this is the wrong side of love. If someone wants you to love him, you have to eat him. If someone loves you, he will eat you. Someone says, „I don't want to be eaten.” If you don't want someone to eat you, don't expect to be loved. - „I am sad when nobody loves me.” Then you have to choose one of the two possibilities - either you will be loved and you will let them eat you, or you will not be loved and not be eaten. When you love something, at all costs you will eat or drink it. For instance you like water, therefore you drink it. When you talk about the love of a physical person, you should know that he is not the real person yet.

So, when someone loves you, he lives in your thoughts and feelings - in that way you will try him and understand him. It is said in the Scripture: „And the Words turned into flesh.” This means that when a man accepts God's words inside him, it gets inside him as a live body, as a whole entity that does not come apart. If the Words, having turned into flesh in the man, could fall into pieces, then everybody would want for the love of him to have a piece cut. To everyone, that loves you have to say, „I will not let you make kebapches* from my flesh [*kebapche is a grilled oblong rissole].” While a man lives only a physical life, he would want to cut from your flesh to taste you – that is the love of the meat-eater. I say, in his Love the man should rise one step higher, to move to the phase of vegetarianism and go into the spiritual life. If such a man comes to you and asks if you love him, take a nice apple from your bag and give it to him; if he asks again if you love him, give him a nice pear; if he continues asking, give him a bun. After all that, is there any sense to ask if this person loves you or not? The apple, the pear, and the bun that he gives you are written letters that speak. - „I wish to know if you give these things with all your heart?” If I didn't feel that way, I wouldn't give them – I bear these things in my heart and I take them out of it. The heart is the bag out of which I take these fruits and give them to the people I love.

So, when we meet in the new life and you ask me something about Love, I will say, the one who has a bag is the one who has Love; the one who has no bag, has no Love inside. Today, you can believe only the human that has a bag. When I see someone, from a distance I will look if he is carrying a bag on his back or not; then I look whether his bag is full or if it is empty. If his bag is full, he is a man of Love and I say, „This is the human, who believes in the Only God.” When I meet someone, who talks about Heaven, the Angels, about God and carries an empty bag on his back, then I say, „This is one of the students of Nasreddin Hodja.” If you want to become real students of Christ, you have to get free of everything old that hinders you. Take all your old concepts and your old beliefs and throw them away in some lake. If they withstand the waters, take them back; however, if they do not resist and melt in the pure water of the lakes, leave them there and be grateful that you have gotten rid of the transient, of the contemporary. Then take new theories, create new beliefs, and try what it means to have a friend in Life – these theories and beliefs will follow you everywhere – in this world, and in the hereafter.

Now all the people are talking about Love, they long and sigh for it, they look for someone to love them. You say, „My relatives do not love me, my friends do not love me.” It is true that your relatives and your friends do not love you, but you do not love them, either. To whom have you given anything? They are closed for you, but you are reticent for them, too. Everyone has to open his or her bags and give. You have to set in your mind the thought to be generous. God is generous and you have to be generous. God is big-hearted and you have to be big-hearted. God is Light and you have to be Light; God is Love, and you have to be Love, too. The one, who worries about the daily things, does not bear Love; the one who does not worry about the ordinary, little things in Life, he bears Love inside himself.

Many people worry if there will be a gathering this summer or not. There have always been gatherings and now there will be one, too. What is important, however, is what the person will acquire at this meeting. - „Will there be brothers and sisters from the countryside?” As always, they will come now, too, but all of them will carry empty bags. This is the right situation – to come with an empty bag, to fill it up and throughout the years, there will be enough for you to have and enough to give to the other people. I met a sister, who was going somewhere, but with an empty bag. I said to her, „Sister, the people that you are going to do not want empty bags; come to me to fill your bag to the top and then go on your way; on your way give out of what you have received - when you go among the people, continue to give out what you have, learn to give!” „You have for nothing, you should give for nothing” - is said in the Scripture. If I meet someone who has come to me before, I know that he has something in his bag and can give everybody an apple, a pear, and a bun. If he is ready to give and does not hide what he has received, that person has Love inside - he recognizes only one God. If there is no apple, pear or a bun in the bag for everybody, then that man recognizes many gods; he does not give anything to anybody, because the many gods have eaten up everything that he had in the bag.

Now you see that I am laughing, but why - you do not know. I am laughing at the empty bags. When I see a person with a full bag, I become serious. Someone is dissatisfied, indisposed, because his bag is empty; another one is complaining because he has no money. I say, the one, who has no money, bring your bag to me to fill it up to the top. Do you know what the law is for filling the bags? The law is as follows: everybody must carry his bag alone. If he wants a lot and cannot carry it, and looks for someone else to help him, he is not on the right way. The invisible world knows how much one can carry - someone can carry ten kilograms, another one can carry twenty kilograms, a third person - thirty, but few people can carry seventy kilograms on their backs. You should know one thing: no matter how many kilograms of gold you carry on your backs, only three coins are yours, all the rest are for the other people. Wherever you pass by, you have to give. When you reach the capital town Sofia, your bags will be completely empty. The one who wants to have his bag full only for himself, will remain with an empty bag.

For example, today, on Sunday, there is a gathering. It is a gathering day for those who understand and can use it. For people that do not understand, no matter how many gatherings there are, they would achieve nothing. For instance, everyone talks about Christ's Resurrection, about the Angels, but I am asking what will they gain if they do not understand what an Angel is, what the Resurrection is? For people, who do not understand this, both the resurrection of Christ and the existence of the Angels means nothing - why? This is because they have not seen Christ, neither have they seen Angels. When I see a pear, I talk with her and say, „This is Christ.” You would say, „Is it possible that Christ, in his greatness hides in such a little pear?” It is possible, of course. As the pear gets into my organism and is accepted, in the same way I am talking to Christ. And when someone asks me where Christ is, I say, Christ is everywhere, he is in all fruits and plants, in all trees, in all springs, in all stones, in all animals and people.

Therefore, people must come to the state when they would not die, would not get old, would not grieve and cry, would not fall in states of disbelief, cowardliness, etc. All these negative states are remainders of the past ages, which now should not be repeated. You would say that you have already grown old. The one, who bears old age in his mind, has not recognized God; the old age is a worn garment, which the man must take off and put on a new one. - „Well, we already have white hair, our eyes are half closed, the stomach does not work well.” This is because you do not believe in God. If you start to believe in the Only God, you will be entirely renewed; a man must get renewed every day - this is the new philosophy of Life.

I say, at any moment you should be awake, active, ready to take any new work, any new impulse. Imagine that someone offers you to climb up a high mountain top; you will immediately refuse on the pretext that you feel indisposed, that you have been on trips and you have seen many high mountain tops. No, you still do not know what a real trip is, what wealth it is to climb up a high peak. Somebody says, „I have climbed up such and such a mountain top and have learned a lot.” You have not learned anything yet. For us, the day is meaningful as far as during that day we have managed to see God, hidden somewhere in the infinite Nature - this is the sense of Life. Because if you go to Elena's peak or no matter which other peak, you have to consider that there you will see God. When you see God, say to yourself, „I would like to see God throughout my whole life!” When a man who says that he is tired and does not intend to climb up mountains again, this shows that he has not seen God. Even now, when we have to go out every morning, some of us say, „Why do we have to go out so early, what shall we gain from this?” We go out early in the morning in order to see God. Today, for example, God talked to us a little through the rain. Since the brothers and sisters had not washed their tents from the dust for a very long time, God sent them a little rain so that they could wash the tents well. This rain washed them not only outside, but also it washed their floors inside. In that way everyone could check how solid his tent was.

Now you have to understand what the essence of the day is. For that purpose, I will discuss before you one general Godly idea, namely what lies in the essence of each day. For the present day, I would say, the essence of this day is the Love in connection with the Good. The same thing relates also to each day that follows. Life is in the present; it bears the conditions and possibilities for the day of tomorrow that again becomes present. Therefore, for today a man should know that there is only one God and one Love, one Wisdom and one Knowledge, one Truth and one Liberty, one Justice and absolute balance, one Virtue, one bag of goods. The one who believes in the Only God, in one Wisdom, in one Truth, in one Justice and in one Virtue, only he is a man of the new. Beyond all these measures, everything is mere words. Who wants to be a student in the full sense of the word, he must understand and apply this lecture, which I consider to be inaugural when the student enters the school. If you do not have full bags, whatever efforts you make, you cannot be students.

(go to part 2)



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