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The Precious Stones

A lecture by The Master Beinsa Douno to Special Occult Course, given on June 21, 1922 in Sofia

The essays on the subject 'The precious stones' were read.

Writing on this subject, you have focused on the exterior side of the precious stones. To consider the question only cursorily, this is equivalent of taking some food without a favour to it or a sensation of hunger. So, the main impulse, the main stimulus while eating is in the pleasantness one feels when chewing, when taking the food by one's stomach. If any feelings of amenity and favour to a certain food are not evoked, one has no desire of eating it. There would be no results if food is taken without a favour. As far as the precious stones are concerned, we mean the mind, and only an intelligent mind can speak about them. Only a highly intelligent, noble and virtuous people can speak about the precious stones and are able to distinguish them one from the other. I would like you to focus on the 12 main precious stones and make a small experiment. The experiment is the following. When you have any trouble of physical, cardiac or mental nature, you should begin to imagine the 12 precious stones with your mind. Start with the most common and go to the best and most expensive one gradually by observing at which stone your unpleasantness will disappear. As you are revolving these stones in your mind, you will be connecting them with the virtues that everyone exudes. In this case, every stone can act favourably upon you and change your condition. Virtue is not expressed by a colour. If a maid is rosy, and with red cheeks, it is not yet an indication that she bears love. If the maid puts on a lipstick or a pink dress, this still does not mean love. If someone likes blue, this does not mean that he or she bears the truth. If you think that someone's fondness of a certain colour indicates that he or she bears the virtue associated with this colour, you will make a big error. A colour is only a passive expression of a virtue, but it must pass through the centres or focuses of the mind prior to becoming an active virtue. A transformation of the virtue is required. Each colour has a certain value and worth only after passing through the mind and being focused on a certain centre. To understand the sense and meaning of the precious stones, you must study them. Nothing is achieved easily. Work, effort, and labour are required from everyone. Imagine that some day you fall in apathy, laziness, that you do not want to study, that you are ready to give up your beliefs and decide to hit the wide road; or some other day, you ask yourself if you walk the right road; or some other day, you experience a number of negative emotions such as envy, hatred, inner fear etc. And you start looking for the cause of this state but fail to find it. You should not search for the cause of these conditions but let the precious stones pass through your mind and then see the kind of result you will get. Sometimes your experiment will be successful, sometimes it will fail, but this should not discourage you. Carry on this experiment until eventually you obtain results. Only after you obtain a result, I can talk to you about the laws that act through the precious stones. In the past, the precious stones were simple, ordinary stones. At some time later, they underwent transformations and came to their present state. For example, the diamond was once an ordinary coal but by a series of processes across ages it changed itself into its higher state; it changed from a lower to a higher form. It was black in his coal form, and became colourless as diamond, with the ability to refract the sun beams. The occult science which you study now uses the precious stones as a method of transforming the troubles you may get into. The precious stones can help you as a supporting point in the life you live in the material world. The experiments I described for you should not take all your time but only that part of it which you do not know how to use. Such a small experiment is putting a little grain in the earth. My assignments are small but aim at investing your leisure time in a useful purpose. Being small, they will be fun and will incite a series of good thoughts and feelings with regards to the material world in which you live and which you have to know well.

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