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Good Manners

Fir-für-fen Tau-bi-aumen

Resumes on topics “What makes you clench your fist”, “The difference between pride and vanity”, ”Balancing of the forces in man” were read.

Now you will make the following exercise: each one of you will imagine one familiar mountain vicinity and will look closer from the south, from some – sheltered from the wind place, at some nice clearing. When you reach this place you will dig a small hole, in which you will plant a seed. You will plant the seed well and you will imagine in your thought how it springs up, grows and its stem reaches two meters. Because you have to imagine all this, it will take you no more than five minutes: in two minutes you have to climb up the mountain country and choose the clearing, one minute for planting the seed and two for its growing. When you make the exercise, put your hands on the table, palms downwards, thumbs touched. Close your eyes and think five minutes over the exercise. Whether during this time the planted seed will grow or nor grow, this should not embarrass you.

Now I am going to talk on the habit. The habit in the person is created with the work of or by the active force of two magnitudes: a positive one which is expressed by yes and the negative – by the particle no. Therefore the habit in the person is created by the work of yes and no. For instance, you promise someone that you will do him or her a favour; your favour is to rise at four in the morning and to go to Dragalevtzi1 to do some job for him or her. You have given your promise during the day when outside it was bright, the Sun was shining; at this point you weren’t thinking that in the early morning it will be dark and will fear. But when you wake up at 4 o’clock a.m. you look that it is dark outside; you at once start to hesitate and you refuse to keep your promise. You say to yourself: ”No, no, I can’t go to Dragalevtzi, I fear.” So you are not master of the fear inside yourself, you can’t overcome it. You are haunted by the fear inside you and can’t free your self. When you fall several times under the influence of fear and you don’t keep the promise you have given to someone, you lose confidence in yourself and in that way you acquire one bad habit. Thus a person through gradual succumbing to a negative force in himself or herself acquires a bad habit: to promise and not to keep the promise.

The same law is applied to the ideas also: today you are inspired by an idea, you are ready to do anything for fulfilling it but an obstacle comes in your way and you at the very moment delay keeping your promise, you say that the promise that you have given so that your idea can become true can be fulfilled through hardship or that it is not the right moment now and so on and so on. Today you delay; tomorrow again you delay until you become a moral invalid. The character of contemporary people is full of negative features, bred namely by the simple and small particle no. It can be calculated by famous mathematical formulae how many bad habits, how many negative features the character of each one of us possesses. How? It is enough that each one of you say a number and write it down. By the way of uttering and writing of this number the solution of the task is found. Someone would utter number 10 slowly and with a drawl; someone would utter it quickly. This is all the data, conditions for solving the problem. The third one of you would take the square or the power of 10; this shows that there is a contradiction in something. Where there are contradictions there are also broken noses.

What you should do to breed good habits in yourself? As not to breed bad habits in yourself think more and not hurry to give promises. When someone wants to promise him or her something think once, think twice or thrice whether you can fulfil it and then answer. It is not of matter of promising but fulfilling. Once you have promised no matter whether you meet one hundred bears on the road, you have to fulfil your promise. You will go about this way and that way not to rush into the bears but you will fulfil your promise – nothing more, nothing less. The word bear I take as a symbol of troubles. Therefore if you want to influence yourself psychologically not to breed bad habits never use the particle no for things that can lift up. It is not an easy job to overcome the negative influences in you. When someone overcomes the negative influences from outside will come to counteract.

The moment you have made up your mind to do something and it is a good thing and after some hesitation, immediately those around you will come to you and will begin to dissuade you not to do this because you are still weak and this job is not for you, etc. Since you have overcome your inner contradictions you must overcome the outside obstacles too. You will say that you can do this job. To yourself you will say: “Yes, I can do the thing I have decided to do: I have faith in myself and I will complete the task you have appointed me to do."

Imagine that someone thinks that you are a rude man. If you are influenced by his suggestion you will exert bad influence on yourself. For this aim you must immediately counter react to his or her suggestion in your thoughts with some other quality of yours to counterpoise rudeness. Say to yourself: ”I can show compassion and such I will be.” When you work consciously in this respect you will transform the rudeness to mercy and compassion.” The reason for the rudeness of the person is due to the fact that the centre of destructivity, which place is at the back of the ears is highly developed. Such a person should send the energy of this centre to the centre of mercy. He or she should say to himself or herself: ”I am a master of the forces inside me. I can be either rude or merciful – it is up to me to prevail over give these or those forces inside me.” A student must to exercise much to turn the negative forces into positive, to exert influence on the inert matter in him or her, to wake it up and incite it in action.

Make this attempt: go to bed at 10 p.m. in the evening and pledge that you will wake up at 12 p.m., and do some work. When you are earnest about it, when this thought is in your subconsciousness you will see that you will wake up exactly at 12 p. m. When you wake up at that time you will say: “let me sleep five minutes more, what am I going to do so early?”

"No, if you wake up at 12 a.m., you will raise your head, you will step down from your bed, you will face east, and tell yourself:" I am a master of my time and I will use it in my best judgment.” When you tell yourself this, you will perceive on good, bright thought from the Invisible world. This being done, lie down with the thought of getting up at 2 a.m. When you wake up at 2 a.m., rise in the same way and face the east: you will be enlightened by another bright thought. This time temptations will come across your way but you will get over them. When you perceive a good thought, write it down and lie down with the wish to wake up at 4 o'clock. At 4 a.m. you will wake up and again the temptations will catch up with you but watch out to get over them. You will get up in the same way as you did the first time, you will face east until you receive a third bright thought.

This attempt you will do during the whole week. You won't be given time to do it all your life. The important thing here is to make a number of efforts until you breed good habits in yourself. The development of good habits in a person is the first condition for enforcement of your will. Not much is expected but you have to persevere. To make this attempt you wake up three times the night during a week. Some of you will fear lest this exercise not to exhaust themselves from that frequent interruption of sleep. They think thus that way because they don't know that the intensity of the dream doesn't depend on the time's duration. There is yet another element which influences a person in such way that he or she should have in a short time. Contemporary scientists say that it is enough for a person to have a 7 hours sleep. The one that understands the law of sleep can for do it in five minutes than for seven hours. When he dozes off for five minutes, he will renovate himself as good as should he have slept for whole seven hours. Since he or she doesn't understand the law of sleep a person uses seven hours to sleep until the brain cells complete their work. If he or she knew this law, the brain cells should have done their job in five minutes only. To get a rest a person should stop consciously his or her work for five minutes – this time is enough. Meanwhile a person leaves his or her body for a while and lets the conscious physical energy renovate his or her organism.

So that seven hours sleep is needed for this person who hasn't disciplined his or her brain cells in result to which the cells for a long time discuss whether to start the work or not, from where and how to start. Till they begin their work the time is up. Namely therefore a person turns round and at the end he or she fall asleep. They sleep for seven hours on end and when they wake up, they can't feel they've had a rest. In the evening, when you go to sleep, you will say first to your brain cells, then to your lung cells, then to your stomach cells and in the end to the cells in all organs of your body, to the muscles, to the bones, you will tell them: ”Listen to me, I go to school. Meanwhile you will do all the work given to you so that when I come back I find the rooms cleaned, ventilated and my whole organism renovated. The cells receive the order of their master and start to work hurriedly and systematically to do the work given on time. When their work is complete, the master returns to the body. Then you wake up glad and joyful, refreshed by the sleep. You have to talk to your cells in this way as to have good and calm sleep. Each cell is a lively, reasonable soul, which understands what is being said to it, what is demanded from it. Talk rationally to the cells in order not to alarm them. Each cell is placed in its own position. Cells are unmanageable, they are always ready to fulfil the will of their master. By talking to your cells reasonably you acquire good habits in yourself.

So, for each good deed you should do, you say to yourself: ”I can do a good deed.” Adopt this rule for a main task in your life and start making attempts. Imagine, for instance, that someone among you is a an old miser – let him make the following test – let him have 30 leva in five leva banknotes2, to put them in his purse and go for a walk in the city. Whenever he meets a beggar or a poor man, let him take out his purse straight away and give the person the sum of levs he has took out at the first take and to give it to the first poor person he has met in the city thinking: “ I can be generous.” The more poor people he meets, the more banknotes he should distribute to each poor person. Let him do the same test on the next day with more money. So he continues to give without ever coming to his mind that he has given that much - he or will give and forget they have given. These actions produce corresponding results in Nature. The deeds of a person should not be selfish. You give and you will be given. This law is absolutely righteous. It is called The Law of Universal Opulence, Opulens.

Each noble thought, you invest your will in, will certainly find its realization. The Nature itself is interested in this. Patience is demanded from you: to wait for the time for its realization to come. For realization of each idea there is exactly defined time. It is the same in the Plants' Kingdom. For instance, time is wanted for an apple tree to thrive: apple seed can't grow in no time. The bright ideas and nobles wishes are like seeds: when you plant them in ground, you wait some time for them to sprout, to grow, to blossom, to ripen and bear fruit. If the soil was good, the planted idea, can grow for a month, for one year or more – it depends on the conditions. Sometimes for a person's gift to develop it takes ten years. In such way all great persons have worked – they acquired the habit of being constant. You see with what perseverance they make attempts one after another until they reach a result. It is easy to say that this and this scientist have made such and such discovery. If he or she bears only one negative thought in his or her mind, he or she will not make even one invention. After they overcome this negative thought and start to believe there is no difficulty he or she can not withstand, they are on the threshold of his or her invention and a new light shines in the mind. A person should bear the positive thought in his or her mind that everything is possible when it is in agreement with the great laws of the world. Therefore everything is possible for a person when it is in agreement with the great laws of God of Life and Nature.

There are many who don't understand these laws and despite their good wishes say: “If God wants this, if God wills this, I will succeed.” This is the human understanding. Since you cherish good wish in yourself, God wants it for certain to be realized. With his or her wrong understanding a person destroys the God's plan for him or her. For instance, God says that for a certain idea of yours all conditions to grow and develop are given but ten years are required for it to become true.

“Can't this happen soon, in a year?” – "No, it can not."

No matter that, you haste and misshape your idea. There was once an American doctor who had some work in Malaysia. He was called to the house of some Turkish man to heal him because the man was suffering from fever. The doctor examined him carefully and prescribed him a medicine, which he had to take for a week, three times a day, three drops in a tea-spoon. The Turkish man looked at the medicine and said: “What is the meaning to wait for a whole week? Let me drink the whole bottle of medicine right away and become healthy again “He raised the bottle to his lips, drank the whole of it right way but instead of becoming healthy he died. No, the quicker you do the work, the worse is the result.

No matter what school of doctors you follow, no matter the way they treat, they all have something in common in their methods. So much capable is the doctor, the more he or she relies on Nature, great doctor of Life in his or hers methods. Contemporary physicians use, as also Nature does, poisonous medicines. They apply as methods of treatment homeopathy and allopathy, which also Natures applies. They are based on certain principles, on one method or another, on one medicine or another. Physicians know that in the human organism there is always a deposit of vital force, which is sometimes inert and can not be absorbed. As to absorb it, the organism is given a certain dose of poisonous medicine. Because the organism can not bear substances, unfamiliar to it, it starts to fight back and cast the poison out. In this fight exactly the organism wakes up its deposit of preserved energy and starts dexterously to function. In this way the human organism overcomes various diseases. Sometimes the poison is that strong that instead of a reaction it produces suspension in the activity in the organism. The allopaths support the idea that external inciting reason has to be much stronger and they give huge doses of the medicine. The homeopaths hold the view that the external reason has to be very insignificant and give for a medicine strongly watered liquids. Whatever the exterior cause may be, all are conscious that a person can recover and urge them move about and not to stay still. The same method is applied when treating them with cold water.

This law is in force not only to the physical but also to the psychological life of a person. To make a person work, create in him or her two contradicting thoughts. People work, move around, carry out activities due to this law. What would the world be if all the people had same character - all kind, with the same wishes and understanding: wouldn't that be Heaven? No, don't delude yourself, Heaven is not a place where only kind people exist. The creatures that live in Heaven are highly intelligent, noble, reasonable, greatly experienced in life due to which they execute God's laws flawlessly.

Now I will give you one more task to accomplish, for another week. This test you do when you complete the first test. The task is as follows: each night before you go to bed you sit down at a chair near a table, hands on the table. You will stay calm and quiet, with your eyes open and concentrate for ten minutes. During this time you won't move your eyes, hands, legs – you will be perfectly motionless. During the exercise you will undergo hard tests: here and there someone will bite you and pinch you, but you have to get control over your hands, legs, grimaces, you won't even scratch back. You won't stir, nothing would trouble you. These pinches may find an expression in your thoughts but you won't pay attention to them. You will stay calm, you will go through this to the end. Whoever sees you in this situation will think that you ponder over some great idea. You take care that this exercise last ten minutes only. In this way you will enforce your will. If you can concentrate for ten minutes this will show you can face bigger forces in your life? Pinching the body is due to the temporary hold up of the nervous energy. You feel small electric explosions which take place in the nervous system. Sometimes these piercings are very strong, they will provoke you to jump up but in this situation you have to restrain yourself. Whatever happens to you during the time of the exercise you will be calm and quiet; you will know that everything will be settled well.

This exercise being over I would like someone of you to tell us what kind of experience have acquired during the time of the exercise. Not only would feel the pinching but also various thoughts and wishes would come to mind. You would think how good it would have been if there was a whole banitza3 with sweets or imagine that money fall all of a sudden your way and you become rich. Then you will perhaps think that you can write something that can surprise the world. Various thoughts would pass through your mind during these ten minutes. These thoughts "would knock on your door" but you won't pay attention to them, you will know that you are appointed at a high place, you can't leave your work for a second. They will ask you a question or two but you won't answer. They will tell you: “Don't you have something human in yourself? What is this silly business you are involved in? Do you think that the world can be set right this moment?” Whatever they talk to you, you will keep silent. The interesting thing is to see whether you can concentrate at least for ten minutes. You will lock yourself up in the room so that no one would enter in and embarrass you. You will alone know that this work is really important and on it your future depends. If someone knocks on the door, this won't make any difference. You will keep decency. Stay calm, don't move. See how the Turkish people pray, they kneel down and they don't care whether someone watches them or not. This exercise you have to do. Those of you that don't do it, will bear the consequences for their disobedience.

Now let's return to the matter of habit. Each habit has three components – form meaning and content. The habit stands is its own place when it becomes man's second Nature. Only in such order of things a person is free. The good habit is helper of the will. The student has to work on his or her nature to create good habits in himself or herself, to pass all tests and overcome troubles. In ancient times the students from Pythagorean school passed through numbers of tests to ascertain to transform to these states easy. A student is sitting and thinking over a matter, meanwhile one of the other students comes to him and slaps him or her in the face and goes away. The first student startles and wants to revenge. The brighter his or her consciousness is, the sooner he or she gains control over himself or herself. Not only his or her feelings undergo a test but his or her thoughts and ideas also. For instance, if someone grasps a great idea, the people around him or her begin to mock, to curse, to call him or her names. Nevertheless he or she walks quiet and calm, nothing embarrasses him or her. Why? Because he or she inhabits another world away from the world they live in. He or she has their conviction they have developed their thinking, they can concentrate, they can solve problems easily. No matter whatever is said to him or her, or they home joyful and in good shape. It was same with the Apostles – they were tortured, beaten in the name of Jesus Christ's name, on the account of the God's word but they came home glad and joyful, praising God. Who have persevered in this respect, when they receive the first blow they would say:” How dare you beat me up for my convictions, how dare they disregard my dignity!”. Rejoice when you suffer for your convictions. Those that don't rejoice when suffering for their convictions, only show that they aren't conscious of them.

Now I will talk only to the students, only to those that have entered the School and want to study the manifestations of the Reasonable. To do this a special school is needed. It is not easy for a person to bear and endure suffering reasonably. Whoever is good, only he or she can endure. Many confuse patience with trouble. Only the one that has developed his or her capacities of the mind can and endure bear. As long as you can reach your adversary, don't wish to revenge on them. The patient is always stronger than his or her rival.

There was once in America a prominent professor in boxing. One day he met a young student in the street but the student was so thin and feeble that the professor beat him down only with one stroke on the nose. The student stood up, beat the dust off his coat and thought how to revenge to this strong person. To fight with him – he can't do that, then he decided to start taking boxing lessons. For whole ten years he work hard in this respect until he mastered such a force that he could lift a small pony or big horse with one hand only. He appeared before the professor, bowed down to him and lifted him one hand.

“Do you recognize me?”

“I do recognize you, excuse me.”

“I am that weak and feeble student you met in the street ten years ago and knocked down and slapped in the face."

Well, this is the result of the exercises.

Therefore when the invalid in some respect, no matter whether physical, psychic or mental respect, works hard on himself, after some time he would get over his deficiency and become a strong man. Today you can be weak and feeble student, say that your you have a bad fortune, that you have been designed to be weak but after ten years of hard exercise you can become as strong as a professor in boxing. And then you will not revenge without mercy and you will go to the professor and you will lift him up in the air. He will admit your strength and say:” I acknowledge that you are stronger than my, accept my apology!”

1 a village near Sofia.

2 lev is the Bulgarian monetary unit, the same word in Bulgarian is used for lion, the animal.

3 banitza - Bulgarian, a dessert, made by baked crust of dough with layers of cheese or nuts with sugar syrup, a variant of original Turkish dessert







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